How to Remove Mold From Bathroom Walls – 5 Tips to Clean Mold Off Walls!
Learn how to remove mold from bathroom walls with these simple cleaning tips and hacks.
Mold in the bathroom can be gross, but it is one of those things that everyone has to deal with eventually.
And knowing how to get rid of this unsightly mess the right way is very important.
Bathrooms tend to not be very well ventilated and they are very moist environments, making them the perfect breeding ground for mold.
Keeping your bathroom dry can help prevent mold. And one of the best ways to eliminate moisture in the bathroom is by using a dehumidifier. You can choose from any of these best dehumidifiers for bathrooms.
That being said, if you already have a mold crisis, have no fear, this article will show you how to rid your bathroom of mold.
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Warnings Before You Start
Big Moldy Wall
If there is a large moldy spot on one of your walls then this could very well be a sign of a serious leak behind the wall.
While your first inclination might be to clean it, the best thing you can do is leave it and call in a plumber.
If you’re worried about the health of you and your family because of the mold, ask the plumber if it’s ok for you to clean it up.
But before you clean it up, take a picture of the whole wall, or draw little marks on the wall in pencil, where the mold was at. This will help make the plumber’s job easier, which means you’ll end up paying less in the long run.
Protecting Yourself While Cleaning
Mold is incredibly dangerous to be around, especially if you have environmental allergies. More than 80% of the different types of mold are likely to set off your allergies and it really isn’t something you want to get in your lungs.
So, while you’re cleaning up mold (and using chemicals) be sure to cover your nose and mouth. You do not want to breathe in spores.
You should also wear gloves as many of the things that are used to clean mold can cause skin irritation.
Finally, especially if you are going to be using bleach, you will want to make sure you’re wearing old clothes you don’t care about anymore.
There is the chance that your clothes will get ruined, especially if you have to crawl around on the floor cleaning grout.
Don’t Rub the Mold with a Brush When Its Dry or Scrape it Away
It might seem that rubbing dry mold is the best way to go because you’re keeping it contained in little flakes, but this is actually the WORST thing you could do!
This will release spores into the air, allowing the mold to spread and cause a much worse problem than you already had.
6 Tips for Cleaning Mold off bathroom Walls
#1. How to Remove Mold with Bleach
I started with bleach because there seems to be a lot of debate over whether or not bleach actually works on cleaning up mold.
Some people believe that all it actually does is remove the color from the mold so it looks like it has been cleaned up when it actually hasn’t. Others, including professional maids, swear by bleach as their go-to for cleaning mold.
To use bleach to clean up the mold, you will want to combine bleach and water in a spray bottle, in what is about a 50/50 concentration, or just a little more bleach than water.
Shake the bottle well before spraying it on the areas that have mold. Let it sit for 10 minutes before you apply a second spraying, this time rubbing it off with a coarse brush or old toothbrush. (Make sure you throw that toothbrush away afterward!)
You may need to repeat the process a few times to get all of the mold.
How to Remove Mold without Bleach
#2. Tea Tree Essential Oils
Tea tree is one of the best essential oils for cleaning because it is antimicrobial, which means that it fights a broad spectrum of germs.
Simply add 1 teaspoon of tea tree essential oil to 1 cup of water in a spray bottle. Shake well to disperse the oil and spray on the affected area. Leave to sit overnight. Next morning, use a rag dipped in white vinegar to wipe off the dead mold or mildew.
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#3. Using Hydrogen Peroxide
Cleaning with hydrogen peroxide is a little bit of a longer process, but only because you have to give it time to work its magic breaking up the mold spores.
The hydrogen peroxide will bubble and fizz as it works. Pour it into a spray bottle and apply it liberally to the spot with the mold. Then let it sit for 30 minutes before you wipe it away with a damp rag.
Apply it for a second time just to make sure that all of the mold has been removed. If it no longer bubbles up and fizzes, congratulations! You got the mold.
#4. How to Remove Mold from Walls with White Vinegar
White vinegar is one of the most versatile cleaners you can have in your entire house. You can use it for everything from removing stains, to cleaning clogged drains, to yes, cleaning mold on your bathroom walls.
It also acts as a disinfectant. Spray it on the affected area and let it sit for at least 15 minutes before you wipe it clean.
You will want to repeat this process if you see any mold left over. You can also add the vinegar to hydrogen peroxide for increased cleaning power. The great thing about vinegar is that it’s all-natural and safe for the environment.
#5. Borax can also Get the Job Done
Combine borax and water for a very cheap way to clean mold quickly. Scrub the solution into the mold with a brush or toothbrush and then wipe away.
This is the best option if you’re concerned about time. However, not everyone has borax on hand so it may not actually be that much of a time-saver in the end.
20 Mule Team All Natural Borax Detergent Booster & Multi-Purpose Household Cleaner
Related: How to Clean with Borax
#6. Cleaning Grout and Sealant
While you’re cleaning the mold you will find that the grout and sealant in your bathroom is the hardest area to clean. (You may want to read this article on how to clean grout)
It might seem like no matter what you do the mold just won’t come out. In some cases, this might actually be true. But, you can’t know that until you give it a try.
Combine baking soda and hydrogen peroxide in a bowl until you get a paste-like consistency when it is well stirred. You don’t want the paste to be runny, instead, it should be firm and hold its shape, a bit like toothpaste fresh out of the tube.
Apply this paste to your grout and shower sealant in a thick layer using either a brush or your hand if you’re wearing gloves.
Once you’ve applied it cover it with strips of clingfilm and let it sit for 2 hours. Once the two hours are up, remove the clingfilm and wipe away the paste.
Your grout will be left looking much, much cleaner. If there is still some mold you can repeat the process again.
If after that second time there is still mold, it may be that the mold is too deep for the paste to reach, in that case, you will have to replace the grout or sealant.
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