If you are looking for tips on how to organize your medicine cabinet, then you will find these family medicine organization ideas and tips very helpful.
Having a dedicated medicine cabinet is essential for keeping both over the counter and prescription medications, first aid products, beauty and bath products, and other items neatly in one place.
If you don’t already have a built-in medicine cabinet in your bathroom then you need to designate a small cabinet in your bathroom or kitchen as a medicine cabinet.
Make sure it is out of the reach of your child. And organize it so that everything inside is handy and easy to find.
9 Medicine Cabinet Organization Ideas
Here are some tips that will help you to get your medicine cabinet organized.
#1. Empty and Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet
In order to organize your medicine cabinet you first need to empty your cabinet and clean it out.
While cleaning out your medicine cabinet, set aside any prescription medications that have expired to dispose of properly.
#2. Sort Your Items into Categories
Sort the rest of the objects in your medicine cabinet by categories.
Place first aid products in one pile, makeup products in another, over the counter medications for adults and children in two different piles.
You should also sort the prescription medications by each person the medication is prescribed for.
#3. Dispose of that Outdated Medication Safely
Once you have everything sorted out into neat little piles, you need to safely dispose of that outdated medication.
It is recommended that you place either kitty litter or coffee grounds into a plastic bag and mix the medication into the bag and throw it in your regular garbage can or bin.
#4. Use a Separate Container for Each Category
In order to keep everything neat and tidy and well organized, use a separate container for each category of products you will be putting in the medicine cabinet.
If your medicine cabinet lacks space, you can place the first aid products into a sealed container and place them on a shelf in your bathroom.
Your first aid kit should contain the following:
- Band-aids
- Gauze pads
- Tape
- A pair of plastic gloves
- Antibiotic cream
- Small pair of scissors
- Elastic wrap
- A pair of tweezers
- Bottle of peroxide
- Non-aspirin pain reliever
- Cotton balls for cleaning wounds
Place prescription meds for each different individual in their own container and label the container with each person’s name.
#5. Adjust the Shelves
If you have adjustable shelves adjust the shelves so that they can accommodate larger items such as mouthwash and other tall bottles or containers.
If possible, keep those larger bottles and containers to a minimum in order to make more space for those much needed items.
#6. Place Each Container in the Cabinet
Now that everything is neatly sorted, place them back into the medicine cabinet making sure that those items used daily are easy to reach and those items that are used the least are on an upper shelf.
#7. Make Use of that Medicine Cabinet Door
You can make use of your medicine cabinet door in a couple of ways.
- Should you need more space for containers you can purchase some stick on pods that you can place on the door of your medicine cabinet.
- You can also attach magnetic strips to the door to hold items like your nail file, tweezers, and other items.
#8. What You Shouldn’t be Putting in Your Medicine Cabinet
Many people use their medicine cabinet as a catch-all for their items they aren’t sure what to do with.
However, there are some items that you store in places other than your medicine cabinet including:
- Shampoos
- Body wash
- Cream rinse
- Body lotions
- Bar soaps
There are other places in your bathroom you can store these objects, saving room in your medicine cabinets that you need to keep out of the reach of small children and hidden away from prying eyes.
Organizing your medicine cabinet does not take a great deal of time.
And keeping it organized simply entails taking the time to check medications frequently and disposing of those that are outdated.
#9. One Last Medicine Cabinet Organization Tip
Most medicine cabinets are too small to properly organize everything you need to put into that limited space.
If this is the case in your home, then adults who take prescription medications and who can take that medication without aid can keep their medication in a container in their room out of reach and sight of your children.
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