How to Spring Clean Your Closet: A Step-by-Step Guide!
If you’re looking for tips on how to spring clean your closet, then you’ve come to the right place.
Yes, spring is finally here which means it is time to switch up your wardrobe and start cleaning your house. One of the most challenging areas of the house to clean is also the smallest, the closet.
But, if you’re anything like me you would put off the closet for as long as you can. It’s filled with sentimental items, clothes you love, and who knows what else.
But, it’s time to break down and spring clean your closet. Thankfully I can make it a little less daunting for you with the following step-by-step guide.
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#1. Empty the Closet
First, pull all your clothes out of the closet. Anything that wasn’t hanging up or neatly stacked on a shelf should go straight into the laundry. We’ll come back to the clothes later once all the laundry is finished.
Once you’ve pulled the clothes out of the closet it’s time to pull out everything else. And I mean everything, including that box you’ve got shoved in the corner with who knows what inside.
This step is going to make it look like a bomb hit your bedroom. But that’s ok, it’s a temporary mess that will be cleaned up before you know.
#2. Clean the Space
Once everything is out it’s time to give the closet a little bit of TLC. Wash off light fixture, dust the ceiling, shelves, and the top of the bars.
Scrub the walls and the door with a gentle cleaner to get any clinging dust and fingerprints off the walls. Finally, vacuum the floor. Once the space is completely clear it’s time to start dreaming.
#4. Add Storage Options
What does your dream closet look like? Do you need more storage options? Maybe a shelf for your cat who loves to sleep in the closet?
Do a little daydreaming and browsing on Pinterest then if you need to go shopping do so.
#5. Sort and Eliminate
Once you have the structure of your closet ready, it’s time to start putting things back in. Start with the boxes and go through each item to see if it’s really something you should keep.
How you decide to do that is entirely up to you. You may like Marie Kondo’s Spark Joy method to declutter your clothing, or maybe you prefer the one-year method where items you haven’t used in a year get tossed.
Whatever method you decide things you no longer want should go in one of three piles; trash, donate or sell.
When you’ve done this with the boxes, move on to the clothes. When you’re putting clothes away put things you’re less likely to need further back in the closet. These are things like fancy dresses and heavy coats.
#6. Schedule a Donation Run
Finally, you should schedule the time to make a run to your local charity to donate the items you’ve decided to donate.
Scheduling the time now means you’re more likely to actually do it rather than just shoving the bag back into the bottom of the closet.
The same also goes for anything you plan on selling. Set aside some time to take photos of the things you’re going to sell and post them to various sites and apps.