What Paint Colors Make a Room Look Bigger?

I’ve had some of my readers ask, “What paint colors make a room look bigger?” So today, I’m writing a post on this topic to answer their question.

Choosing a color palette that visually extends the walls and ceiling is easy, so long as you follow a few of my tried and tested tips.

Enjoying an airy, bright space is a matter of choosing the right color to enhance the light a room gets. Here are my top recommendations for paint colors that make rooms look bigger.


The safest option for small rooms is fresh, clean white, as it immediately creates the illusion of space and light.


The latest interior trends are towards warmer neutrals, so embrace ivory, cream, and beige. You’ll still maximize the natural light but with a hint of warmth and depth.


I’m a massive fan of this beige-gray combination, with its lush putt-like tone that adds depth and light.


Continuing in popularity throughout our homes, gray remains a solid choice for smaller rooms, looking serene and anchoring any color palette or style.


You’ve likely noticed green accents popping up in stylish interiors. All shades of this lush, natural color are in fashion and will enliven your living space.

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