These cleaners can be used on most surfaces in your home, which saves you time from having to grab a different cleaner for different cleaning tasks.
This keeps your cabinets organized, and you can quickly grab the caddy to move from room to room while you clean.
Work from the top to the bottom because dust and dirt will fall as you clean. Clean cobwebs first so you can vacuum dust from furniture and the floor.
The less clutter you have in your home, the less you’ll have to clean around. Getting rid of extra furniture and knick knacks will help make dusting and vacuuming go quicker.
Place a donation box in your garage or somewhere convenient. Add items to it as you can and take the box to a donation center when it’s full.
Give the bathroom a quick wipe down and scrub the toilets while the kids are in the bath. Do the dishes while you’re waiting on the oven to heat up or while dinner is cooking.
Keep trash cans in the living areas in your home to reduce trash in your home. In addition to your kitchen and bathroom, consider keeping a small can in the bedrooms or in your living room.
Turn off the TV and put your phone down so you don’t get distracted.
Some people like to clean room by room. Others like to do all of their tasks at once. For example, they will declutter each room and dust, clean surfaces, and vacuum.
You don’t need to have a lot of supplies, but make sure you’re using quality tools.